Everyonesfree sent two teachers to Gyeo Le Eol School, myself and the first other member of the organization, Mike Kim. Each of us taught two classes, of older (ages 10-13) and younger (7-9) students, with two subjects each, math and english.
Both Mike and I have never taught students before, but this was not the greatest challenge: age gaps aside, for each of the classes, students were all at vastly different skill levels. Because of their limited space and supply of volunteer teachers, Gyeo Le Eol could not arrange the students in a more ideal way.
The basic curriculum we prepared failed to hold up in these conditions and we had to adapt to a much more flexible way of teaching the subjects. The whole experience ended up being as much of a learning experience for us as it was for the students, and it felt all of the more rewarding as a result. Also, our Korean improved dramatically, and both Mike and I can safely say that we get along with children a lot better now.

A photo with the founders of the school (from left to right: Principal of Gyu Re Ul School, Myung Hwa Ju; Mike Kim; me; Dong-Hyun Choi and Yong-ok Soon)